Un projet d’avion expérimental en cours d’étude par l’entreprise TOOL

Korean Air undergoes a transformation of its fleet, with the intention of welcoming ten B787-10s from Air Lease Corporation (ALC) while bidding farewell to five B747-8s. ALC CEO John L Plueger confirmed the imminent deliveries of the B787-10, which are part of a broader distribution strategy targeting the robust Asian aviation market.

Meanwhile, Sierra Nevada Corporation, responsible for developing the next generation « Doomsday » aircraft for the US Air Force, has acquired five former Boeing 747s from Korean Air. These aircraft, once passenger planes, will be converted into command and control centers for the US military.

The Doomsday aircraft, officially known as Survivable Airborne Operations Center (SAOC), are essential assets designed to ensure operational continuity in national emergency situations, including nuclear war scenarios. Sierra Nevada’s acquisition aligns with its recent $13 billion contract to develop and produce SAOC by 2036.

Korean Air’s decision to sell these aircraft, as part of its fleet renewal and divestment plan, underscores the airline’s strategic vision for its future operations. This significant transition reflects both technological advancements in aviation and the evolving landscape of global security.

Korean Air Boeing 747-8 HL-7630 at Frankfurt © Kiefer. from Frankfurt, Germany on Wikimedia Commons

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Chloé Nguyen

Chloé Nguyen

Chloé est notre experte en actualités aéronautiques. Toujours à l'affût des derniers développements dans le monde de l'aviation, elle apporte un regard critique et informatif sur les événements qui façonnent l'industrie. Avec son expérience journalistique et sa passion pour l'aviation, elle vous tiendra informé des dernières nouvelles et des tendances émergentes du ciel.

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