Qatar Airways Cargo et MASkargo concluent un accord de coopération pour optimiser les opérations de fret international – TOOL

Qatar Airways Group and Malaysia Aviation Group strengthen partnership with MoU between Qatar Airways Cargo and MASkargo. This agreement aims to enhance connectivity and operational synergies, leveraging the key hubs of Hamad International Airport (DOH) and Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KUL).


  • Enhanced network and capacity: The MoU enables MASkargo’s customers to access Qatar Airways Cargo’s extensive global network, while Qatar Airways Cargo’s customers gain access to the APAC market, including new destinations and increased capacity.
  • Strategic hubs: The collaboration will utilize DOH and KUL as strategic hubs, with Qatar Airways expanding its freight terminal in Doha.
  • Fleet expansion: Qatar Airways Cargo is the launch customer for the Boeing 777-8 cargo, with 34 aircraft ordered and 16 options. Malaysian Airlines has added 20 new A330neo aircraft, enhancing belly cargo capacity.
  • Deepened partnership: The MoU builds on a 2022 codeshare agreement and a passenger codeshare cooperation from 2004, now covering 62 destinations worldwide.

Leadership statements:

  • Eng. Badr Mohammed Al-Meer, CEO of Qatar Airways Group: Emphasized the importance of the APAC market and strategic cooperation in enhancing freight networks and capacity.
  • Captain Izham Ismail, CEO of Malaysia Aviation Group: Highlighted the potential of the collaboration to improve product offerings and operational capabilities, positioning both airlines for significant growth.

This MoU follows the expansion of the strategic partnership between Qatar Airways and Malaysia Airlines, reinforcing their commitment to providing comprehensive connectivity and services for passenger and freight operations.

Chloé Nguyen

Chloé Nguyen

Chloé est notre experte en actualités aéronautiques. Toujours à l'affût des derniers développements dans le monde de l'aviation, elle apporte un regard critique et informatif sur les événements qui façonnent l'industrie. Avec son expérience journalistique et sa passion pour l'aviation, elle vous tiendra informé des dernières nouvelles et des tendances émergentes du ciel.

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