Extension des opérations de Volotea à Bordeaux avec de nouveaux trajets vers le Maroc et l’Espagne

Volotea extends services from Bordeaux airport by adding two new routes to Marrakech, Morocco, and Madrid, Spain, consolidating its position as the second largest airline network at the airport with 32 destinations.

New Routes:

  • Marrakech, Morocco: Starting from November 5, 2024, with flights twice a week (Tuesdays and Sundays), offering Bordelais the opportunity to discover this historic city known for its gardens, souks, and architectural beauty.
  • Madrid, Spain: Starting from November 6, 2024, with flights three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays), providing access to the vibrant Spanish capital, with attractions such as the Reina Sofía museum and Plaza Mayor.

Expansion and commitment:

Volotea’s expansion in Bordeaux highlights its commitment to improving travel opportunities for passengers and connecting Bordeaux to European and North African destinations. The airline now offers flights to eight countries, including France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Greece, Croatia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Volotea will operate over 900,000 seats from Bordeaux in 2024, representing a 17% increase from 2023.

These new routes are available for booking through all distribution channels and on Volotea’s website.

Chloé Nguyen

Chloé Nguyen

Chloé est notre experte en actualités aéronautiques. Toujours à l'affût des derniers développements dans le monde de l'aviation, elle apporte un regard critique et informatif sur les événements qui façonnent l'industrie. Avec son expérience journalistique et sa passion pour l'aviation, elle vous tiendra informé des dernières nouvelles et des tendances émergentes du ciel.

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